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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Border Security, What should we do??

People have long debated what we should do with the borders of the United States, to my surprise many just do not care. The United States government has disgusted me with how they have handled this crisis. They pretty much just have ignored it for years. The border between the U.S and Mexico can easily be classified as a war zone. With all the drugs, weapons, and even women being brought back and forth to be sold is bound to cause fights between seller and buyer. Not to mention the drug cartels committing atrocities just over the border. And of course the countless number of illegal immigrants crossing into the United States every single day.
Our problem here is two countries closing their eyes while things like this happen. Why would Mexico stop it, all the money that's being sent back to their country from workers in the U.S. In 2006 there were 29 confirmed border incursions by Mexican government officials. In 2008 soldiers from the Mexican military crossed over into Arizona and held a border patrol agent at gun point. YES IN ARIZONA!! Can you say act of WAR! States are so afraid to do anything because they are afraid that their high Mexican populated cities would rise against the government and cause havoc. Who cares? Call in the national guard and take care of the problem. I really truly believe that Mexican-Americans don't want illegal Mexicans here.
Something must be done.
We need to open our eyes and see the problem for what it is and not worry about who may or may not vote for me. Last time I checked illegal immigrants can't vote. Let's put an end to the madness. Until the federal government can find out what the hell they are going to do lets send the worlds finest military down to our borders, build a wall and lets crush this war.

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