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Monday, February 16, 2009

Dallas County to vote on withholding vehicle registrations for those who owe fines

So I was reading this article and wondering why we as a state haven't been doing this to start with. Dallas County commissioners will be voting today for a new program to go into affect. If you owe money for any unpaid misdemeanor citations, the program will put a block so you can not get your vehicle registration up to date until you pay the fines or fees. It seems that in Dallas County alone there are a whopping $210 million in unpaid misdemeanor citations alone. El Paso County was the first county in Texas to have used it and since 1997 they have already collected about 2 million in unpaid fees. Having been in law enforcement I think this is a great idea and wish that all counties in Texas would make this law as soon as possible. It would free up the criminal justice system and not only save officers time but would save counties a lot of money. I posted this blog because this could affect all of us in living in this state at one point in time. Since our local governments are feeling this hard economy in their budgets they could start to implement this to help get those much need dollars.

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